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Friday, October 30, 2015

The Last Supper

The candidates' Q and A was not terribly well attended.

As it began there seemed to be more candidates on stage then folks in the audience.

By the end there were about 75 people there.

It is doubtful that anyone who went didn't have their votes decided before-hand.

"Highlights" might be too strong a word, but here are a few noticeable moments:

Jim Freiband told us "I've been attending Town and Village Board meetings."  He didn't name the town and village he was talking about, but it hasn't been Woodbury.  

Matt Higgins thinks that we can make money by putting ads on the channel 22.  Could someone please explain Public Access channels to him?

Richard Mednick wants the Village to fix Route 32.  Apparently the town planning background he touts never covered that towns and villages can't repave state roads.

Lyn Prestia said "I am not associated with unknown, questionable leadership."  True enough.  Caruso is known, questionable leadership.

Tommy Burke told us "I am not beholden to anyone."  One hopes that Ralph gave him permission to say that.

In his closing statement, Bo Haviland said: "I am fortunate to be running with a team who work well together."  Considering that his running mate, Tommy Burke, is campaigning for Bo's opponents, this has to be the funniest line of the night.

                                           To read other posts by Uncle Betty click here.


  1. Sorry Uncle, but you left out another "did he really say that?" moment, and that was when Bo referred to Warwick as the 4th city sharing in the county sales tax. Thankfully Tom Flood was sitting at Bo's right hand to correct him about there only being 3, and that Warwick is not a city! How long has Bo lived in Orange County?

  2. Bo truly is the gift that keeps on giving. I still remember when he lost his first run for the Town Board. He showed up at the next meeting and said "I'll be coming to every single meeting to hold your feet to the fire" He was never seen again.
